A few spotlights to read and inspire!

Successful consultancy - SC Austria Lustenau

Austria Lustenau is a traditional football club in Vorarlberg/Austria with a long track record since 1914 and for more than 20 years represented in professional football. imPlus was assigned to advise the club on strategic issues and, together with the club management, to develop possible measures to progress to the Austrian Bundesliga in a timely manner.

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Exlore the DNA of your organization

Each organization has an inherent systemic logic. We also call it the collective mental consciousness (DNA of the Oranization). These are ideas or mental images of employees about the organization. These are based on experiences in past and present.

This collective mental awareness significantly influences the ability to change a company. Thus, e.g. negative mental models (unconsciously) lead to a negative attitude of employees against changes.
Systemic representations are an externalization of internal images/themes with the aim of obtaining useful information for particular questions. The initial image – in many cases - produces a surprising clarity.

That's why we developed our "Safaripark"  -  a creative and playful method for organizing and setting up organizations.


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Successor solution with a regional perspective

Closing a successor solution for a butcher's business is a challenge. With the traditional and stongly-rooted company 11er the ideal candidate for the family business Walser KG could be found.

The old-established Butchery Walser KG, headquartered in Meiningen, has attracted attention in the past with numerous awards for its sausages and meat products. As of 1 July 2017, the successful family business will now be taken over by the traditional food manufacturer 11, based in Frastanz.


In order to provide a smooth and successful solution of a forthcoming succession, the two brothers Anton and Herbert Walser contacted the consulting company imPlus. The preservation of jobs and the brand “Walser” as well as the demand for a regional succession were central aspects.
Together with the owners, imPlus has coordinated and supported the entire take-over process - from the initial consultation, the first exploration of the market, the approach of potential buyers, the preparation of the entire documentation up to the conclusion of the contract.
A win-win situation has been achieved through the takeover of 11er. On the one hand, because 11er will be able to strengthen the regionality of its own products by integrating several excellent Walser products in future, and on the other hand the acquisition of Walser KG not only secures jobs at site, but also further investments at the production site.


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Sustainable business

From linear to systemic thinking

The success of an organization is directly linked to the relationships between different people and functions and how they communicate with each other. Should the equilibrium (the order) within a system becomes less and less balanced, a planned goal becomes almost unreachable or a project fails.


In order to deal with these issues and to find solutions, the systemic organization is one of the most effective and exciting innovations in the consulting work within the last two decades.


With this method, themes are spatially imaged and lined up. Relationships and the effect of individual elements are made 'three-dimensional' - visible, audible and felt. Thus, in a process with the client, a visual and tangible experience space is created which reflects the real system. Clients therefore quickly recognize the essentials for the solution. This method is efficient and cost-effective.

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With more than 200 km/h towards the earth.

Parallels between a parachute jump and the management of a company.

A remarkable number of people are thrilled by parachute jumping and the thrill of the adrenaline rush associated with it. If one assumes that the jumpers have the utmost interest in being able to tell friends and family about it after the jump, safety is not an insignificant topic. There is, on the one hand, the chance of an unforgettable, happy experience and, on the other hand, a certain risk associated with it.

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The Safaripark

On the trail of your process landscape - a safari through your company

Processes and procedures hav a significant impoct on your company's profit.

Together with you, we carry out an analytical process check based on characteristic 'animals' with your company by means of a method developed in-house.

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Emotional entaglements

How is it possible that, in spite of all efforts to make everything right, a succession fails?

There is a factor that likes to play a marginal factor - the 'human factor'. If one assumes that one can negotiate a business transfer on purely factual/technical level, then however one has made the calculation without the host.

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